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CODE-CWA Newsletter: March 29, 2024


A Big Win for TCGUnion-CWA

In a victory for CWA members at TCGplayer, a subsidiary of eBay, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has approved a settlement of Unfair Labor Practice charges against the company. The settlement includes significant payments for two workers who were unlawfully fired, and other workers will be compensated for lost sick pay.

The decision comes as the workers mark the one-year anniversary of winning their union vote and forming TCGUnion-CWA. Since workers banded together to negotiate a fair contract, eBay and TCGplayer have engaged in a series of delay tactics to avoid meeting workers at the bargaining table.

In addition to ruling that two workers had been unlawfully terminated for engaging in protected union activity, the NLRB determined that the company had refused to recognize and bargain with the union, denied workers their right to union representation in meetings, threatened to discipline union workers more harshly than others, and unlawfully changed the terms and conditions of employment without first bargaining with the union as required.

Read more.


SEGA Workers Reach Landmark Collective Bargaining Agreement

CWA members at SEGA of America voted to ratify their first union contract! This reflects a turning point in the industry as workers are not only winning union elections but also using their collective power to secure union contracts to improve their working conditions. 


"This is a watershed moment for workers in the video game industry. We've proven that a collectively bargained contract with substantial improvements and protections is possible even when management takes an initially hostile stance toward worker organizing. We’re hopeful that in the midst of extensive layoffs, workers across the video game industry will see organizing as a pathway to improve working conditions for all of us,” said Jasmin Hernandez, Short-Form Animation Production Manager and member of the Allied Employees Guild Improving SEGA (AEGIS-CWA).


Read more.


Are you an employee of the digital, tech and/or game industry and ready to get involved in the broader fight for dignity and respect at work?

Join CODE-CWA in building power across the industry!


Join us on Sunday, April 7 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET or Saturday, April 21 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET for an introduction to unions and organizing conversations training. All levels of experience are welcome and encouraged!

Join us on Sunday April, 14 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET or Saturday, May 11 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. for a building the organizing committee training, where we talk about how to build a strong organizing committee. 


Check the CODE-CWA organizer training program for even more upcoming trainings!

When We Stand United, it Pays Off—Literally

Union contracts negotiated in 2023 resulted in an average first-year wage increase of 6.6%. That’s the highest average pay raise for any year since Bloomberg Law began tracking the number in 1988.


Read more.


Workers at Law360 Strike

Law360 workers—members of the NewsGuild-CWA—walked out on strike last week after Law360 and LexisNexis illegally laid off 26 workers, despite the highest profit and revenue growth in decades.


Read more.

More Big Auto Worker Organizing News

A supermajority of Volkswagen auto workers in Chattanooga, Tenn., have signed union cards and are filing a petition to vote to join the United Auto Workers!


Watch here.


📷: UAW


March 25, 1911 – 115 years ago, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire killed 146 young, mostly immigrant women, as a result of horrific employer negligence.


Despite their deadly neglect, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory’s owners were found not guilty on all charges of neglect.


The disaster would launch a national movement for safer working conditions.


March 25, 1947 – An explosion at a coal mine in Centralia, Ill., kills 111 miners. Mineworkers President John L. Lewis calls for a six-day work stoppage by the nation’s 400,000 soft coal miners to demand safer working conditions.


March 28, 1968 – Martin Luther King Jr. leads a march of striking sanitation workers, members of AFSCME Local 1733, in Memphis, Tenn. Violence during the march persuades him to return the following week to Memphis, where he was assassinated.



A Long Violent History by Tyler Childers 


It's called me belligеrent, it's took me for ignorant
But it ain't never once made me scared just to be
Could you imagine just constantly worryin'
Kickin' and fightin', beggin' to breathe
How many boys could they haul off this mountain
Shoot full of holes, cuffed, and laid in the streets
'Til we come in to town in a stark ravin' anger
Looking for answers and armed to the teeth

501 Third Street NW
Washington, DC 20001



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