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CODE-CWA News & Updates

CODE-CWA Newsletter April 2020


We at CODE-CWA hope you are well during these challenging times. The quarantine hasn't stopped us from helping workers to fight for their rights! We hope our newsletter helps you feel connected and informed; and that we can bring some hope with the success stories of workers who organize!

Organizing News

Congratulations to the brave workers at Glitch for winning their Union! Welcome to the CWA family! Click HERE to find out how you can do it too!

We are meeting with workers from companies all over! Stay tuned for more updates, and as always contact an organizer to get involved! Don't wait, get started now!

The 300 workers at one company we have been working with fought for and won their right to work from home. This is what can happen when you organize!

Upcoming Events

CODE-CWA is regularly hosting free, virtual training sessions on how to organize! Contact an organizer to find out more!

Organizer Tip of the Month

The 80/20 rule. During a one-on-one organizing conversation, you should do 80% of the listening and only 20% of the talking. Give the person you are speaking to a real chance to voice their thoughts; it is the best way to get to know them!

This Month in Labor History

April 15th, 1889 - birth date of A. Philip Randolph, an African-American union organizer and civil rights leader. Founder and first president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters in 1925, he took on the powerful Pullman Company forcing them to bargain with his union. In the 1940s, he showed the same determination in pressuring two presidents to integrate the defense industries and armed forces. A decade later, he led civil rights demonstrations culminating in the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Song of the Month


(Don't feel like reading anymore? Click the song title to listen instead)

The Union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters
From many far off lands
There is power in a Union
Now I long for the morning that they realize
Brutality and unjust laws cannot defeat us
But who'll defend the workers who cannot organise
When the bosses send their lackeys out to cheat us? Money speaks for money
The Devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone?
What a comfort to the widow
A light to the child
There is power in a Union
Now I long for the morning that they realize
Brutality and unjust laws cannot defeat us
But who'll defend the workers who cannot organise
When the bosses send their lackeys out to cheat us? Money speaks for money
The Devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone?
What a comfort to the widow
A light to the child
There is power in a Union
The Union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters
Together we will stand
There is power in a Union