Who We Are.
Workers Organizing For a Voice.
The Campaign to Organize Digital Employees (CODE-CWA) is a union movement of over 4000 worker-organizers fighting every single day to build the voice and power necessary to ensure the future of the tech, games, and digital industries in the United States and Canada.
We work (and organize!) at major multinational tech companies, tiny startups, small indie game studios, AAA game publishers, non-profits, progressive tech companies, equitable worker co-ops, and more!
We use our collective strength to improve conditions for temp, vendor, and contractor workers; to fight against the unethical use of our labor; to end hiring, wage, and retention discrimination; and to ensure that our work is a benefit to our society, not a burden.
A Fighting Union!
The Communications Workers of America (CWA) is a union of hundreds of thousands of workers throughout tech, media, telecom, and other industries who stand together to fight for justice on the job and in our communities!
We are a strong, democratic, and fighting union that doesn't back down from a challenge: whether it's taking on massive tech & media monopolies, fighting police repression of journalists, ending federal government shutdowns by threatening to strike, and facing down armed fascist forces while organizing in solidarity with union siblings around the world.

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Why Organize Your Union?
Through organizing a union with our coworkers we gain a voice on the job in matters large and small. In our industries, we bring our passion and our values with us to work in hopes of building a better world; creating art and entertainment enjoyed by people around the world, and expanding access to information. Our work has truly massive impacts on the entire planet and society. Having a union voice better equips us in speaking up around our core values.

Being a union member means working with Dignity and Respect - and having a strong, worker led voice in society. As big money in politics grows its influence, workers deserve their fair seat at the table.

Union members earn better wages and benefits than workers who aren’t union members. On average, union workers’ wages are 22% higher than their nonunion counterparts.

Through our unions, millions of workers have improved security in our jobs, including important safeguards against discrimination, policies around work-life balance, and fairness protections around layoffs. Working people in a union are five times more likely to participate in an employer-provided pension plan than working people without a union.

Your Rights To Organize
Under the Law
Through the 1935 National Labor Relations Act employees have the legal right to form a union in their workplace, engage in collective action around work issues, and it bars employers from anti-union and anti-organizing retaliation ranging from asking what your opinion on your union is all the way to threatening, harassing, disciplining, transfering, and a wide range of other behaviors intended to curb organizing.
We believe that the right to engage in "concerted collective activity" (labor law jargon for workplace organizing) covers not just organizing around wages, conditions, and hours, but also the ethical use of our labor, diversity and inclusion, and so much more.
Through Organizing
Despite the vast majority of workers having the federally protected right to organize, we know that labor law in the US is far from perfect and it fails to cover independent contractors and others. Yet, we know through experience that our greatest protections stem from our collective strength and solidarity when we are organized together.
Take the Voltage video game writers who won the first successful game worker strike in history: they were independent contractors, had no rights under the law, and the boss could have immediately terminated them... Yet they won!
The writers knew that their greatest power and safety came through the fact that collectively they are the most valuable aspect of their company. Withholding or threatening to withhold their labor was the ultimate bargaining chip that enabled them to win their strike with an average 78% pay increase.